We all love our phones than our partners! But is your cell phones ringing the Cancer Alarm? Myth or Truth? Let’s explore the real facts.
Sleeping In Your Bra Can Cause Breast Cancer?
Bra is an asset of your attire. Can Sleeping in your Bra or Wearing Bra for long cause Breast Cancer? Let’s explore some facts about Wearing Bra.
Can Underwire Bras Cause Breast Cancer?
Can Wearing Underwire Bra Cause Breast Cancer? Sleeping In Bra or Wearing Tight Bra put you in radar of Breast Cancer? Lets discuss some facts and logic behind the folk tales.
Is Alcohol, A Catalyst Of Cancer?
We all know that heavy drinking can cause health problems. But can drinking Alcohol boost the risk of developing Cancer? Lets explore some hazards of boozing.
Is Smoking A Major Cause of Cancer?
Smoking is a health hazard but maybe smokers will get a little more motivated to know Smoking to be a Major Cause of Cancer?
Is Your Weight Increasing Your Cancer Risk?
Obesity is itself a grave danger but Can Obesity cause Cancer? How can we get rid of unwanted weight & fear of Cancer?
Is Stress A Gateway to Breast Cancer?
Stress and Depression are silent killers. But do they lead us to the hell of Breast Cancer too? Is stress causing the Breast Cancer in Females?
Can Injuries or Bruises Put you in Danger of Cancer?
Injury scars are warrior’s armor! But Can these injuries or bruises be a cause of Cancer? Is there any relation between wounds & Cancer?
Sugar Can Cause Cancer To Grow Faster
We all love sweets but is it a sugar coated death approaching us? Can sugar intake pose a threat of Cancer & other fatal diseases? Let’s learn some facts for it.
Do Sins or Bad Deeds cause Cancer?
Is Cancer a punishment for all our past sins? Do all sinners rot in hell? Lets see how Karma affects Cancer & how can we be spared.