Can men also develop Breast Cancer? How can we detect it? How can it b treated? Let’s learn together !
Do Sins or Bad Deeds cause Cancer?
Is Cancer a punishment for all our past sins? Do all sinners rot in hell? Lets see how Karma affects Cancer & how can we be spared.
Can Antiperspirants or Deodorants cause Breast Cancer?
We generally hear about the hazards of using deodorants. But can they cause Cancer? Do we really need to give up on our favorite scents? Lets find out the actual facts.
Is Cancer A Contagious Disease?
Cancer is believed to be contagious and Cancer fighters to be untouchables. Let’s find out how true is this belief.
Is cancer a death sentence?
People usually fear Cancer for Death. But is it true? Is Cancer really end of life? or a Fight worth Life? Let’s find out the real truth behind a harsh myth.
Chapter 4: Hope Is a Waking Dream…..
Everyone wishes to taste the truth, but how many of us really have the balls to stand the bitter taste? I wonder I had an answer then. Moment of Truth Next morning was the moment of truth. Mrs. Anji wasn’t really ready to go for the test. Her eyes were swollen and her tears were …
Check your Bumps for Lumps !
Need for Early Cancer Detection With each year passing by, the number of people detected with Cancer has been increasing in folds. Cancer is curable if detected at an early stage (Stage 1). But most of people skip these stage as they were unable to detect the early signs of Cancer. This makes them more …
Chapter 1: Life Before The Cancer Strike !!
Intro Hey Guys ! I am Stu, a Delhite and I am gonna share the journey of my mother fighting against cancer physically, mentally and most importantly emotionally. You must be pre-assuming the victim to be me myself. Real victim was my Mother but even I wasn’t spared of the trauma of cancer. We are …